Business Licenses & Permits

NEED HELP? If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tax Collector, by phone at 318-259-2385.

How to Apply - New Applicants

  1. Complete and sign the Occupation License Application.
  2. Estimate the first year gross sales.
  3. Calculate the Total Tax Due based on the gross sales and the applicable Tax Table.
  4. Divide the "Total Tax Due" into twelve, as in twelve months, and prorate it for the number of months the business will operate for that year. 
  5. Submit the application and remit payment.

How to Renew an Occupational License

Partially pre-filled renewal applications are mailed to businesses within the first month of the year. The pre-filled renewal applications only contain the license number, year valid, business name, mailing address, and business location. It is the responsibility of the business to complete the "Tax Information" portion. Below are thorough directions for how to complete your renewal.

NOTE: If you are accustomed to this renewal application, you may choose to complete and mail your renewal before receiving the partially pre-filled version by mail. The license number shall always remain the same.

There are five (5) section of the application that are your responsibility to complete: (1) Reporting, (2) Tax Tables and Fees, (3) Penalties and Interest, (4) Total Due, and (5) Certification. 

  1. Reporting
    In this section, you must report the (a) gross receipts, sales, or commissions, (b) total loans made, and/or (c) total gallons of fuel sold. Additionally, if you qualify for a deduction, you must claim it on line 1.d and subtract it from the total of line 1.a and 1.b on line 1.e.  

    To determine what you are required to report, you must determine what your business is classified as by reviewing the Business Type List.

  2. Tax Tables and Fees
    After reviewing the Business Type List and determining what your business is classified as, you can locate the corresponding applicable Tax Table. In order to determine the "Tax Due," refer to the Tax Tables reference sheet and determine the license tax amount based 1.e of the Reporting section. 

  3. Penalties and Interest
    Penalties and interest only apply to those who remit payment on or after March 1. The interest is at a rate of 12 percent per annum until paid, and the penalty is at a rate of 5 percent for each thirty days of delinquency. (However, this should not exceed 25 percent as an aggregate.)
    Month Late Interest Penalty Aggregate
    March 1% 5% 6%
    April 2% 10% 12%
    May 3% 15% 18%
    June 4% 20% 24%
    July and after 5% 20% 25%

  4. Total Due
    To determine the Total Due, add together the total on 2. Tax Tables and Fees and the total 3. Penalties and Interest. This is the amount you must remit for your occupational license.

  5. Certification
    The owner, applicant, representative, or agent of or for the business must sign and date the renewal application. 

How to Submit Applications and Renewals

To submit your completed and signed application or renewal, you can: 

  1. Mail: You may mail it to us at: Town of Jonesboro, Business Licenses and Permits, c/o LaToya Leonard, 128 Allen Avenue, Jonesboro, LA 71251.
  2. Fax: You may fax it to us at: 318-259-4177, Business Licenses and Permits.

Should you have any questions, or to verify receipt of your application or renewal, please contact Town Hall by phone at 318-259-2385.

Additional resources available:

  • Business Type List - use this sheet to determine which tax table your business operates under or how to calculate your tax if your business does not fit a table.
  • Tax Tables - use this reference to determine the tax amount due, based on gross receipts for most businesses.
  • Chain Store Tax Table - use this reference to determine Chain Store Taxes. (If you are not a part of a chain or group, this does not apply to you.)
  • Definitions, Deductions, Minimums and Maximums, and Exemptions - use this reference to determine definitions, deductions, and exemptions. This reference also statutory references.